miércoles, junio 16, 2010

Technology in the Classroom

There are many kinds of computer and non-computer technologies currently in use in traditional classrooms. Among these are:

Computer in the Classroom: Having a computer in the classroom is an asset to any teacher. With a computer in the classroom, teachers are able to demonstrate a new lesson, present new material, illustrate how to use new programs, and show new websites.
Class Website: What better way to display your student's work, than to create a web page designed just for your class. Once a web page is designed, teachers can post homework assignments, student work, famous quotes, trivia games, and so much more. In current day society, children know how to use the computer and navigate their way through a website, so why not give them one where they can be a published author. Just be careful as most districts maintain strong policies to manage official websites for a school or classroom.
Class Blogs and Wikis: These are some of a variety of Web 2.0 tools that are currently being implemented in the classroom. Blogs allow for students to maintain a running dialogue, like a journal, of thoughts, ideas, and assignments that also provide for student comment and reiterative reflection. Wikis are more group focused to allow multiple members of the group to edit a single document and create a truly collaborative and carefully edited finished product.
Wireless Classroom Microphones: Noisy classrooms are a daily occurrence, and with the help of microphones, students are able to hear their teachers clearer. Children learn better when they hear the teacher clearly. The benefit for teachers is that they no longer lose their voices at the end of the day.
Mobile devices: Mobile devices such as clickers or smartphone can be used to enhance the experience in the classroom by providing the possibility for professors to get feedback. (read more in the article MLearning).
SmartBoards: An interactive whiteboard that provides touch control of computer applications.
Online Media: Streamed video websites can be utilized to enhance a classroom lesson (e.g. United Streaming, Teacher Tube, etc.)
There are many other tools being utilized depending on the local school board and fund availability. These may include: digital cameras, video cameras, interactive whiteboard tools, document cameras, or LCD projectors.

Learned societies concerned with educational technology include:

Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE)
Association for Educational Communications and Technology
Association for Learning Technology
International Society for Technology in Education - (ISTE)
Northwest Council for Computer Education
Computer-Using Educators

martes, mayo 18, 2010


Los siguientes son los 10 avances que han logrado transformar la educación en Colombia en los últimos años, los cuales, a su vez, dan cuenta de que la política de Revolución Educativa y las cinco acciones transformadoras de la educación , son una realidad.

Más oferta en diferentes niveles

Uno de los avances más significativos de la gestión del Ministerio de Educación es el aumento de cobertura en los diferentes niveles educativos. Por ejemplo, la tasa de cobertura bruta* para el grado de transición aumentó de 75,7% en 2002 a 90,1% en 2010; mientras que la cobertura bruta de la educación primaria pasó de 114,1% a 119,8% entre esos mismos años.

En este período se consiguió universalizar la educación secundaria, al lograr que la tasa de cobertura bruta pasara de 79,4% en 2002 a 105,1% en 2010, mientras que en educación media la cobertura bruta aumentó de 57,4% a 79,4%. En estos niveles (10º y 11 grado), el aumento de cupos fue de 1.330.470 estudiantes. Con respecto a la educación superior se registró un aumento de 11,1%, ya que la tasa de cobertura bruta era de 24,4% en 2002 y para 2009 la cifra se incrementó a 35,5%, lo que equivale a decir que 570.299 nuevos estudiantes ingresaron a las instituciones de educación superior en este período.

Otro aspecto para resaltar es que durante estos años el Ministerio inició la atención educativa para la primera infancia, campo en el que se consiguió que 658.429 niños entre los 0 y los 5 años estén siendo atendidos por el sistema educativo colombiano en el 2010.

Menor deserción en el sistema educativo

Los frutos obtenidos por el Ministerio en su trabajo por aumentar la cobertura van de la mano con las acciones que buscan fomentar la permanencia en las aulas, entre las que se encuentran la gratuidad, la alimentación escolar y los modelos educativos flexibles. Así, la tasa de deserción oficial en la educación básica y media se redujo de 8% en 2002 a 5,15% en 2009 y en educación superior, la deserción intranual logró disminuir de 50% a 45,3%.

Atención a poblaciones vulnerables

Con el objetivo de cumplir la meta de ofrecer una educación pertinente y de calidad a todos los colombianos, desde el Ministerio de Educación se promovió un proyecto que permite el acceso a la educación para la población vulnerable, entendida como aquella en situación de desplazamiento, menores desvinculados de grupos armados, hijos de adultos desmovilizados, población con discapacidad, indígenas y estudiantes de niveles 1 y 2 del Sisbén.

Entre 2005 y 2010 la atención a población en situación de desplazamiento de todas las edades pasó de 120.651 a 649.338 personas. De esta población, actualmente se atiende a 86.896 colombianos a través de educación con modelos educativos flexibles. Gracias a estas estrategias se superó la meta de atender con educación a 400.000 personas en condiciones de vulnerabilidad en 2010.

Referentes internacionales de calidad y planes de mejoramiento

Los esfuerzos por mejorar la calidad de la educación en el país se ven reflejados en el ámbito internacional. Luego del Segundo Estudio Comparativo y Explicativo (SERCE), que se realizó en 2006, Colombia logró pasar del tercer al segundo grupo de países (16 latinoamericanos, incluyendo el Caribe), lo que significa que el nivel de académico de los estudiantes es mejor. El SERCE evaluó el desempeño de los estudiantes de 3º y 6º grados en lectura, matemática y ciencias.

Por otra parte, en el Estudio de Tendencias Internacionales en Matemáticas y Ciencias (TIMSS), donde participaron 59 países, se destaca una mejoría en los promedios obtenidos por los estudiantes colombianos en 2007 con respecto a los resultados de 1995. Para grado 8º, entre 1995 y 2007, los promedios se incrementaron en 20 puntos en matemáticas y 24 en ciencias, siendo Colombia el segundo país con mayores avances.

A partir de las pruebas SABER, que aplica el Icfes a estudiantes de 5to y 9º, se brindó apoyo en la formulación e implementación de planes de mejoramiento institucional a 2.617 establecimientos educativos catalogados de bajo logro, lo que equivale al 97% del total de instituciones educativas (2.701) en estas condiciones. En 2009 se realizaron las últimas pruebas SABER al 86% de los estudiantes de estos grados, es decir a 1.356.993 niños.

Aseguramiento de la calidad en educación superior

Durante estos años y con el objetivo de garantizar el cumplimiento de las condiciones mínimas de calidad fueron evaluados en este tema, el 99,8% de los programas de pregrado y el 99,7% de los de posgrado (de un total de 6.244 programas en funcionamiento). Además, de los 4.016 programas nuevos se evaluaron hasta ahora 96,7% de los de pregrado y el 95,2% de posgrado.

Por su parte, el Consejo Nacional de Acreditación (CNA) -entidad encargada de dar el concepto sobre si una institución o programa de educación superior cuenta o no las condiciones de calidad- emitió conceptos que permitieron otorgar la acreditación de alta calidad a 114 programas académicos de pregrado en este período. En total, existen 697 programas de pregrado acreditados y 227 programas en proceso de renovación de la acreditación. En cuanto a la acreditación institucional de alta calidad, a la fecha hay 18 Instituciones acreditadas, incluyendo a la Universidad Nacional que se acreditó en todas sus sedes en abril de 2010.

Infraestructura escolar

Para la construcción de aulas, entre 2003 y 2008 se invirtieron con recursos provenientes de Ley 21 de 1982, $335.023 millones. Dicha inversión se destinó a la puesta en marcha de 1.458 proyectos para 1.639 instituciones educativas y contempla la construcción de 6.626 aulas, las cuales proveerán 285.700 nuevos cupos.

De otro lado, el Ministerio impulsó el Plan de Inversión Anticíclico 2009-2011 con el que, junto con las entidades territoriales certificadas, se buscó promover nuevos esquemas de ejecución para la construcción de infraestructura escolar para cumplir las metas de cobertura y calidad. El reto es construir dicha infraestructura en los próximos tres años con la ejecución de 1 billón de pesos. Gracias a este Plan se construirán y mejorarán más de 10.000 aulas que se espera generen alrededor de 891.410 nuevos cupos. En 2010 se entregarán 20 de estas infraestructuras y 24 más serán entregadas en la vigencia 2011.

Programa Nacional de Uso de Medios y Nuevas Tecnologías

Con el ánimo de lograr una educación que promueva la competitividad y que lleve las nuevas Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación (TIC) a todas las regiones del país, se logró que a 2010 el 87% de la matrícula esté conectada con mejores condiciones de banda ancha y servicio las 24 horas en gran parte del país. Igualmente, se disminuyó la relación de computadores por estudiante de 142 en 2002 a 21 en 2010.

Selección y evaluación de docentes por mérito

Lograr la cualificación docente ha sido uno de los puntos clave de la Revolución Educativa. Se realizaron concursos de méritos para proveer vacantes que garanticen el ingreso de educadores con mayores niveles de idoneidad. Actualmente, hay 53.688 docentes y directivos docentes activos en carrera docente regidos bajo el Decreto Ley 1278 de 2002. De ellos, 8.851 ascendieron en el escalafón, sometiéndose a la evaluación de desempeño y un examen para demostrar su competencia.

Modernización y fortalecimiento de la gestión del sector

La gestión del sector ha sido transformada en todos los niveles. El Ministerio de Educación obtuvo el tercer lugar entre 158 entidades estatales evaluadas en el Índice de Transparencia Nacional 2007-2008 y control de riesgos de corrupción que otorga la Corporación Transparencia por Colombia. Así, el Ministerio pasó de la posición 87, entre las 88 entidades evaluadas en 2002, al tercer puesto entre las 158 evaluadas en 2008. Adicionalmente, la entidad obtuvo la certificación del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad en 2006.

Con respecto a la gestión de la educación básica se logró articular los procesos del nivel territorial y el nivel nacional, desarrollando 5 sistemas de información articulados a los procesos que funcionan en línea. Así mismo es de resaltar que 17 secretarías de educación alcanzaran la certificación nacional en gestión de calidad de los procesos de: cobertura, recursos humanos y atención al ciudadano en el último tiempo, con lo que ya son 75 secretarías de educación las que usan como mínimo tres sistemas de información en línea.

Gestión participativa

Una educación que incluye todas las voces. Con este principio, el Ministerio abrió espacios y escenarios para que todos y cada uno de los ciudadanos sean escuchados y aporten en la construcción de una mejor política educativa en Colombia. En este campo se han promovido escenarios de discusión, debate y negociación sobre temas de la agenda pública educativa, por ejemplo: 3.279 aportes ciudadanos a los proyectos normativos, 24.438 personas participaron en la formulación del Plan Decenal de Educación 2006-2016 y se realizaron durante el período 7 foros educativos nacionales de calidad con participación de 9.585 personas y la socialización de 912 experiencias significativas.

Para ver el detalle del evento de rendición de cuentas, vea el cubrimiento especial, galería fotográfica, noticias y presentaciones que están disponibles en el Centro Virtual de Noticias (CVN) del Ministerio de Educación Nacional.

miércoles, abril 28, 2010


The problems surrounding the education is undoubtedly the responsibility of both learner and teacher,not it should be noted as the culprit only one of them. The teacher is responsible for transmitting culture, the student is responsible for implementation. Many aspects involved in this serious situation such as family, personality and culture of each individual. The base is to find how to make students understand the importance of school and teachers to understand the importance of understanding and knowing how guide students.

Now, there has been a serious deteriorated in strategies used by teachers in the teaching-learning process for students, as teachers have remained in the traditional education using old methods of teaching which requires us to make a call to update and research of new strategies and learning techniques for promoting in students an autonomous thinking.

Education can be defined as a multidirectional process whereby sharing knowledge, values, customs and ways of acting. It is not only happens through the word, it means, it is present in all our actions, feelings and attitudes, moreover, is saw as a process of bonding and cultural awareness, moral and behavioral, thus, we can through education that new generations assimilate and learn the knowledge, rules of conduct, ways of being and ways of seeing the world from previous generations, as well as creating new ones.

Nevertheless, is consider like a formal socialization process of individuals in a society, where this is shared between people through our ideas, culture, knowledge, etc. respecting others. This not always happens in the classroom. In addition, there are three types of education: formal, non formal and informal. Formal education refers to the areas of schools, colleges, universities, modules .. while no formal relation to the courses, academies, etc.. and informal education is one that covers both formal and informal, as is education that is acquired throughout life, in fact Colombia works with all of these types.

We can find within these types two kinds of education: private and public. So is there where we can differentiate the level and quality of education, materials, teachers and especially the academic level of students in each of these; for this reason, the hard work is for new teachers who promote new strategies and methods of self-employment for students, so regardless of the situation at the educational level in the country, the teacher should develop in students the ability to work for himself without to be lobbied by somebody, for example, parents, family and teachers.

In the problem that here is being raised about the lack of updating of strategies by teachers, students are especially affected by this phenomenon, which teachers are in an important figure in the teaching-learning process, which should guide students and to propose strategies and ways of working that lead to better academic performance.

Also if this problem is not resolved, students will be kept always below the expectations that many other teachers if they manage to take modern innovations in teaching through new technologies, taking this into account, now on teachers need to be more prepared according with strategies and techniques for teaching, making use of new technologies and being in a constant update of their knowledges, strategies and working techniques, so at this point, teachers still play an important role in the Colombian education and for that all types of education needs them.

However, in the judgement of many, education is important only to the elementary school, believing that people need only have the basic knowledge to relate to others, which is important for us as teachers in training try to change that thinking, starting from rural schools in which we can see these kinds of thoughts, through the use of new strategies that motivate student's interest in some field of knowledge particularly, by promoting a change in attitude and perspective on education.

For the purpose of change this view about education, is necessary for teachers in training to learn how and through which we can teach and demonstrate the importance of education while contribute to the development of our country's education starting from the creators of the future, so you are invited to research and innovate your techniques and teaching strategies for improving students' level and proficiency.

Without a shadow of doubt, education can not go back because we are constantly making progress in all areas: technological, scientific and cultural. Everything is moving towards better end but not completely exploited. The conditions of life today are the result of knowledge with which we are operating our lives. To have more and better results, it is essential to have more and better knowledge.

martes, abril 06, 2010


Since a learner begins with his own learning process, he starts with a personal, responsible and autonomous work which we noted many as a kind of behavior or conduct, but it is indeed the ability to take charge of one's own learning; since it is considered an autonomous person when the person is able to govern itself, ie is able to make their own decisions and think for itself critically. And that would cover all aspects of our lives.

Referring to the learning process, autonomy refers to the ability of learners to make their own decisions in the educational process, regulators in the goal you want to achieve or knowledge you want to integrate, taking into account the teaching-learning process that I have done since the beginning of my schooling, I have observed the work of both dependent and autonomous of many students and even myself, to depend or be stimulated by a note or rating , Which is successful if our or study is conscious and effective.
Is now essential to create an autonomous thinking in students, which thanks to the ease with which new technologies can make learning more effective and accountable, but it is important to highlight the role of the teacher who must use modern methods to enable the student to go beyond the issues planet during school time, such as investigations of interest, educational and recreational work on the basis of motivations and rewards.

Today's students demand to have that knowledge and learning to learn skills that enable them to be competent to participate in new learning environments. From here you can focus on the approach and the proposed self-learning strategies that students can carry out from its self-study and personal.
Good language learners are those who achieve the learning objectives by implementing the best strategies and appropriate use of skills in each of the different learning situations in which it is located.

Finally, each student must be aware of the importance of taking responsibility for their learning process, but as future teachers we have at our disposal the possibility of providing many keys, thoughts, shared experiences, so that they discover , by themselves, the world of possibilities open to them if they are aware of everything that can get to be autonomous learners.

miércoles, marzo 24, 2010

my treasure...

hi everyone!!!!

this is a picture of my daughter, I would like everybody to know her...she is a beauty and smart child...



About your essay my assesment is 4.
I understood everything in your essay, and I agree with your explanation about learners' learning strategies because your essay is centered in the learner and the tools that he has in order to learn a foreign language. Moreover, you showed to be and to have information about the topic. By other hand your ideas are so clear a sample that you gather your ideas carefully.

Finally, congratulations by your essay it so comfortable to read and easy to understand, but we as learners need to imporve more day after day...thanks and see you soon.

miércoles, marzo 17, 2010

Since the old belief that the teacher teaches and student learn that are taught is no longer valid,the attention has focused on learners and how the process of their learning take place, because now on the whole learning process is more centred on learner and they become more responsibles for their own learning. It means that learners need to be conscious about their individual learning processes and strategies that they should to use in each step of their processes.
taking this into account, is important konwing how to act autonomously in each learning situation through the application of learning strategiesto second language learning; for that, in Anderson's theory strategies have been represented and described as a set of actions that are fine-tuned until they become procedural knowledge.
by other hand, Faerch and Kasper suggest us declarative knowledge as a conscious manner, while procedural knowledge tends to be more automatic ad is activated without awareness; taking as reference the previous contributions, we as learners need to keep in mind working on both looking for a succesful acquisition and learning of a second language.
The use of those strategies have left a great impact on learners because we can to manage in a good way our own learning process. Using the new technologies and combining them with the new resources and methods that us expose to diary the community eduactiva; likewise, appearing diverse mechanisms to evaluate and to improve at the same time our previous knowledge of this second language that we are acquiring and learning.
Finally, i would like to do a called to the autonomous work by learners and we as future teachers...to search and investigate dialy with the purpose of improve our previous knowledge, offering new strategies and a new way to teach and learn a second language.

miércoles, marzo 10, 2010

hi everyone

HELLO !!!!!!!